author Patrick PIERRE
dim., 08 juin 2014 17:29:34 +0200
changeset 129 7c90bd8d2e9b
parent 0 e8d6296c8d5e
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<section version="5.0" xml:id="noteworthy_elements"
  <title>Noteworthy elements</title>

  <para>In DocBook 5 (see <link
  xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The Definitive
  Guide</link>), two elements with the <emphasis>same name</emphasis> having
  the <emphasis>same parent</emphasis> element may have <emphasis>different
  content models</emphasis>. This is the case for <tag
  class="element">indexterm</tag> and <tag

  <para>Other elements are less exotic because their content models are
  contextual, that is, they depend on their parent elements.</para>

  <para>Example 1: this paragraph contains the <emphasis>usual, full-fledged,
  emphasis child element</emphasis> (called
  "<literal>emphasis (db.emphasis)</literal>" in <link
  xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The Definitive

        <imagedata fileref="images/action.png"></imagedata>
    </inlinemediaobject> Please click inside word
  "<emphasis>emphasis</emphasis>" in the above example and use <menuchoice>

      <guimenuitem>Show Content Model</guimenuitem>
    </menuchoice> (<keycombo>

    </keycombo>) to display the content model of the full-fledged <tag
  class="element">emphasis</tag> element.</para>

  <para>Example 2: <inlineequation>
      <mathphrase>this inlineequation contains a mathphrase which contains
      <emphasis>a limited emphasis child element</emphasis></mathphrase>
    </inlineequation> (called "<literal>emphasis (db._emphasis)</literal>" in
  <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The Definitive

        <imagedata fileref="images/action.png"></imagedata>
    </inlinemediaobject> Please click inside word
  "<emphasis>emphasis</emphasis>" in the above example and use <menuchoice>

      <guimenuitem>Show Content Model</guimenuitem>
    </menuchoice> (<keycombo>

    </keycombo>) to display the content model of the limited <tag
  class="element">emphasis</tag> element.</para>

    <title>Element <tag class="element">indexterm</tag></title>

    <para>DocBook 5 has three kinds of <tag class="element">indexterm</tag>


          <para>(Called "<literal>indexterm (db.indexterm.singular)</literal>"
          in <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) A wrapper for an indexed term.</para>


          "<literal>indexterm (db.indexterm.startofrange)</literal>" in <link
          xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) A wrapper for an indexed term that covers
          a range.</para>


          "<literal>indexterm (db.indexterm.endofrange)</literal>" in <link
          xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) Identifies the end of a range associated
          with an indexed term.</para>

    <para>Example 1 (<literal>indexterm(singular)</literal>): The Tiger
        <primary>Big Cats</primary>

      </indexterm> is a very large cat indeed.</para>

          <imagedata fileref="images/action.png"></imagedata>
      </inlinemediaobject> Please click on the above <tag
    class="element">indexterm</tag> element, use <menuchoice>

      </menuchoice> (<keycombo>

      </keycombo>), then type "<literal>in</literal>" (autocompletion) to see
    what is suggested in the element list of the <guilabel>Edit</guilabel>

    <para>Example 2 (<literal>indexterm(singular)</literal>): <indexterm
        <primary>Network Configuration</primary>

    <blockquote xml:id="a1">
        <title>Configuring Your Network</title>

        <para>Everything you need to know about configuring your

    <para>Example 3
    pair): <indexterm class="startofrange" xml:id="idxexformalpara">
        <primary>Example formalpara</primary>

        <title>Example formalpara</title>

        <para>Some content. <indexterm class="endofrange"
        startref="idxexformalpara" /></para>

          <imagedata fileref="images/action.png"></imagedata>
      </inlinemediaobject> Please click on any of the above <tag
    class="element">indexterm</tag> elements and then use <menuchoice>

        <guimenuitem>Show Content Model</guimenuitem>
      </menuchoice> (<keycombo>

      </keycombo>) to display their content models.</para>

    <title>Element <tag class="element">imagedata</tag></title>

    <para>DocBook 5 has three kinds of <tag class="element">imagedata</tag>


          <para>(Called "<literal>imagedata (db.imagedata)</literal>" in <link
          xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) Pointer to external image data.</para>


          <para>(Called "<literal>imagedata (db.imagedata.svg)</literal>" in
          <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) An SVG drawing in a media object.</para>


          <para>(Called "<literal>imagedata (db.imagedata.mathml)</literal>"
          in <link xlink:href="http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/">DocBook 5.0: The
          Definitive Guide</link>.) A MathML expression in a media


      <title>``Normal'' <tag class="element">imagedata</tag> (this <tag
      class="element">imagedata</tag> element has no attributes other than
      <tag class="attribute">fileref</tag>)</title>

          <imagedata fileref="images/fish4.png" format="PNG"></imagedata>

            <imagedata fileref="images/action.png"></imagedata>
        </inlinemediaobject> Please click on the above image and use

        </menuchoice> (<keycombo>

        </keycombo>) to see what is suggested in the element list of the
      <guilabel>Edit</guilabel> tool.</para>

      <title>SVG <tag class="element">imagedata</tag> (the attributes of this
      <tag class="element">imagedata</tag> element are: <tag
      class="attribute">align</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">right</tag>, <tag
      class="attribute">depth</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">10cm</tag>, <tag
      class="attribute">scale</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">25</tag>, <tag
      class="attribute">valign</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">top</tag>, <tag
      class="attribute">width</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">10cm</tag>).
      Requires installing the Batik image toolkit plug-in<footnote>
          <para>Please use <menuchoice>

              <guimenuitem>Install Add-ons</guimenuitem>
            </menuchoice> to download and install the add-on called "Apache
          Batik image toolkit plug-in".</para>

          <imagedata align="right" depth="10cm" format="svg" scale="25"
                     valign="top" width="10cm">
            <svg:svg height="744.094" id="svg75" version="1.0" width="744.094"
            x="0" y="0"><svg:defs id="defs77"></svg:defs> <svg:g id="g3"
            d="M 344.427 534.692 L 396.057 616.976 L 463.014 650.858 L 564.66 617.783 L 625.97 522.591 L 619.517 433.852 L 569.5 322.526 L 546.106 278.157 L 421.065 279.77 L 414.611 317.686 L 371.049 391.096 L 342.007 470.961 L 344.427 534.692 z "
            id="path4" style="fill:#ffffff;"
            transform="translate(-188.771,11.294)"></svg:path> <svg:g id="g5"
            transform="translate(107.656,-154.861)"> <svg:g id="g6"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 329.336 727.552 C 315.224 726.328 304.136 715.816 303.128 694.936 C 306.368 639.496 309.608 582.112 271.232 545.104 C 265.256 499.024 244.016 482.104 234.008 452.512 L 218.24 441.208 L 237.104 411.688 L 245.168 411.904 L 323.936 571.168 L 340.424 651.448 L 329.336 727.552 z "
            id="path7"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g8"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 136.232 439.696 C 133.856 455.248 132.56 470.512 134.792 485.272 C 118.376 507.592 105.92 530.128 104.48 553.312 C 92.024 586.504 62.432 614.584 67.544 680.104 C 84.176 697.456 107.432 713.584 127.376 730.36 C 152.432 751.312 137.528 778.96 102.248 772.408 C 94.4 763.768 76.616 709.624 42.92 676.288 L 49.544 632.584 L 81.368 547.408 L 120.968 484.048 L 125.36 456.688 L 119.816 386.776 L 124.424 361.216 L 136.232 439.696 L 136.232 439.696 z "
            id="path9"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g10"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 115.64 341.416 C 116.576 336.376 117.8 331.624 119.312 327.16 L 121.688 342.784 L 115.64 341.416 z "
            id="path11"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g12"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 120.968 500.464 C 108.368 523.792 103.976 546.256 132.92 550.216 C 117.008 553.888 97.208 568.648 77.192 593.488 L 77.624 543.016 L 101.456 503.272 L 120.968 500.464 z "
            id="path13"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g14"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M -33.256 818.488 C 10.52 838.144 41.408 837.064 69.272 850.96 C 91.304 862.552 113.552 861.184 126.944 847.144 C 138.32 832.456 146.744 831.736 163.52 830.224 C 190.952 828.568 217.736 828.28 241.928 830.8 L 269.576 833.032 C 269.072 864.064 328.04 867.88 345.392 844.336 C 366.344 819.424 395.144 808.264 419.84 790.192 L 289.304 725.536 C 255.824 806.464 131.048 827.632 113.768 763.264 L -33.256 818.488 z "
            id="path15"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g16"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 286.424 711.568 C 273.824 711.496 260.936 715.6 261.944 732.16 L 266.192 776.44 L 304.424 756.64 L 286.424 711.568 z "
            id="path17"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g18"> <svg:path
            d="M -37.36 821.224 C 7.136 840.88 38.6 839.728 66.968 853.696 C 89.36 865.216 111.968 863.92 125.648 849.808 C 137.24 835.192 145.808 834.472 162.872 832.96 C 190.736 831.232 218.024 831.016 242.648 833.464 L 270.728 835.768 C 270.224 866.8 330.272 870.544 347.912 847 C 369.224 822.088 398.528 811 423.656 792.856 L 290.816 728.272 C 256.76 809.128 129.824 830.296 112.256 766 L -37.36 821.224 z "
            id="path19"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g20"
            style="fill:#b77200;"> <svg:path
            d="M 382.328 691.984 C 403.64 698.968 389.888 720.28 400.76 732.52 C 405.44 742.888 415.304 752.032 431.792 760.528 C 459.368 774.424 426.248 799.336 392.768 812.08 C 351.944 825.616 344.024 862.912 299.312 851.896 C 283.112 846.496 278.36 831.808 278.864 809.128 C 284.264 762.76 277.784 730.432 278.792 698.824 C 278.72 686.152 283.544 684.64 307.232 687.952 C 310.04 726.328 352.376 727.336 382.328 691.984 z "
            id="path21"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g22"
            style="fill:#f2b700;"> <svg:path
            d="M 339.632 826.624 C 371.6 814.312 403.856 798.112 429.848 782.128 C 437.84 777.448 438.92 765.928 427.688 762.328 C 403.352 748.504 390.104 731.224 392.912 708.76 C 393.344 700.912 383.696 692.56 381.104 700.048 C 359.864 771.472 291.32 767.656 300.752 696.952 C 301.256 694.864 301.76 692.776 302.264 690.76 C 289.952 688.24 285.2 690.976 285.776 700.408 L 295.28 806.608 C 297.656 830.8 317.312 836.128 339.632 826.624 z "
            id="path23"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g24"> <svg:path
            d="M 354.464 537.544 C 379.16 569.8 404.432 651.088 384.416 691.552 C 360.944 737.776 307.808 743.248 305.504 695.8 C 308.816 639.64 311.984 581.536 273.68 544.096 C 267.704 497.368 246.392 480.232 236.384 450.28 L 203.12 426.088 L 133.568 435.088 C 130.76 452.152 129.104 468.784 131.552 484.912 C 115.064 507.376 102.608 530.056 101.168 553.312 C 88.712 586.648 59.12 614.944 64.232 680.752 C 80.864 698.248 104.12 714.448 124.064 731.296 C 149.12 752.392 135.512 776.296 100.232 769.672 C 78.848 746.056 56.744 722.872 35.288 699.328 C 12.392 683.056 3.896 662.176 27.368 630.496 C 43.424 609.04 47.96 562.456 62 543.664 C 74.312 525.16 92.24 508.6 105.272 490.096 C 112.184 477.928 114.344 468.568 113.264 454.456 L 110.312 369.136 C 108.368 307.216 142.424 274.24 189.8 275.248 C 243.512 275.752 287.576 312.472 288.152 378.28 C 292.688 410.32 283.256 428.68 308.672 474.472 C 334.52 522.712 338.552 520.12 354.464 537.544 z "
            id="path25"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g26"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 261.296 503.632 L 263.528 512.2 C 257.696 501.688 250.712 483.616 241.928 475.696 C 239.264 473.536 235.808 473.608 233.72 475.624 C 222.056 486.928 193.112 510.112 169.928 507.088 C 152.072 505.288 134.648 493.264 130.832 480.232 C 128.816 470.872 129.752 463.168 130.976 455.32 L 240.704 453.52 C 238.472 463.168 253.088 487 261.296 503.632 z "
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            d="M 143.144 363.232 C 154.088 363.232 163.88 376.84 163.808 395.632 C 163.736 408.232 155.528 411.472 149.336 417.016 C 146.6 419.536 145.952 433.144 142.568 433.144 C 131.696 433.144 123.488 413.776 123.488 395.632 C 123.488 377.56 132.272 363.232 143.144 363.232 z "
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            style="fill:#ffffff;"> <svg:path
            d="M 144.368 375.04 C 154.088 375.04 160.856 379.936 161.648 391.312 C 162.224 399.16 160.136 411.76 154.664 414.424 C 152.144 415.648 143.432 426.664 140.408 426.52 C 128.096 425.944 125 402.112 125.936 390.736 C 126.8 379.36 134.72 375.04 144.368 375.04 z "
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            d="M 185.408 405.856 C 198.44 407.296 226.088 423.928 239.408 430.624 C 242.72 432.424 242.504 437.824 239.552 438.688 C 236.384 440.488 235.448 438.256 232.928 437.896 C 228.896 435.736 222.272 440.92 217.016 444.88 C 186.704 467.776 180.656 465.256 156.176 462.664 C 147.68 460.576 142.136 457.984 139.688 455.968 C 141.488 445.888 160.496 407.656 166.76 406.792 C 168.344 404.704 179.936 404.632 185.408 405.856 z "
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            d="M 190.664 412.048 L 193.76 413.416 C 196.064 414.712 193.256 418.168 190.736 417.088 L 186.2 415.504 C 183.536 413.272 186.704 410.104 190.664 412.048 z "
            id="path49"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g50"
            style="fill:#b77200;"> <svg:path
            d="M 268.568 452.368 C 273.032 454.384 279.224 457.192 282.536 460.144 C 285.488 464.104 286.784 468.064 286.424 472.024 C 285.776 474.544 284.12 476.344 281.24 477.424 C 277.856 478.216 273.68 477.424 271.376 474.112 C 269.864 471.448 265.256 462.16 263.96 460.576 C 262.232 457.12 261.944 454.456 262.88 452.368 C 264.032 451.288 266.048 451 268.568 452.368 z "
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            d="M 273.752 461.584 C 275.48 462.376 277.928 463.456 279.224 464.68 C 280.376 466.264 280.88 467.776 280.736 469.36 C 280.52 470.296 279.8 471.016 278.72 471.448 C 277.352 471.808 275.768 471.448 274.832 470.152 C 274.256 469.144 272.456 465.472 271.952 464.824 C 271.232 463.456 271.088 462.448 271.448 461.584 C 271.952 461.152 272.744 461.08 273.752 461.584 z "
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            d="M 374.912 680.536 C 378.296 683.128 373.256 687.376 371.024 686.296 C 369.152 685.648 367.784 683.488 366.92 682.408 C 366.128 681.184 366.2 679.168 366.92 678.448 C 367.712 677.44 369.728 677.656 371.024 678.52 C 372.32 679.168 373.616 679.888 374.912 680.536 z "
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            style="fill:#b77200;"> <svg:path
            d="M 297.44 551.512 C 338.984 572.896 350 611.56 332.072 664.192 C 330.992 666.64 334.16 668.368 335.24 666.064 C 354.824 610.336 341.432 571.312 299.024 548.56 C 296.864 547.552 295.28 550.432 297.44 551.512 z "
            id="path61"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g62"
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            d="M 72.008 569.512 C 38.312 627.256 38.096 662.68 62.504 681.328 C 63.728 682.264 64.448 680.032 63.296 679.168 C 36.296 655.48 48.896 615.52 74.168 570.88 C 74.888 569.584 72.512 568.432 72.008 569.512 z "
            id="path63"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g64"
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            id="path65"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g66"
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            d="M 180.152 546.832 C 180.872 550.792 163.808 545.68 164.744 556.696 C 165.032 559.72 160.496 561.376 160.64 556.696 C 160.64 548.272 161.072 548.416 152.72 546.832 C 151.208 546.76 151.352 544.528 152.72 544.816 L 152.72 544.816 C 158.696 546.472 166.76 542.872 166.4 538.84 C 166.256 537.472 168.56 537.688 168.488 538.84 C 167.984 545.248 181.664 542.152 180.152 546.832 z "
            id="path67"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g68"
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            d="M 151.568 705.376 C 151.64 708.328 148.76 707.68 148.544 705.592 C 140.192 680.536 143.72 618.832 151.856 598.96 C 152.432 596.08 156.248 596.944 155.744 598.96 C 147.104 635.464 147.248 673.048 151.568 705.376 z "
            id="path69"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g70"
            style="fill:#b77200;"> <svg:path
            d="M 51.704 684.424 C 75.68 707.824 91.376 743.248 114.632 775.288 C 148.472 816.04 121.472 858.304 66.464 845.56 C 38.888 835.192 -0.784 836.344 -32.68 825.832 C -55.072 820.36 -55.864 809.272 -44.416 787.6 C -40.384 773.776 -40.024 751.312 -43.768 732.592 C -45.784 718.408 -39.232 710.488 -24.112 708.832 L -24.112 708.832 C -11.296 708.688 6.56 713.872 16.28 686.44 C 23.552 673.336 40.976 672.976 51.704 684.424 z "
            id="path71"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g72"
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            id="path73"></svg:path> </svg:g> </svg:g> </svg:g></svg:svg>

      <title>MathML <tag class="element">imagedata</tag>. Requires installing
      the JEuclid image toolkit plug-in and/or the MathML add-on<footnote>
          <para>Please use <menuchoice>

              <guimenuitem>Install Add-ons</guimenuitem>
            </menuchoice> to download and install the add-on called "JEuclid
          image toolkit plug-in" and/or the add-on called "MathML

            <m:math display="block">
















    <para>Examples of inline images: ``normal'' <tag
    class="element">inlinemediaobject</tag> <inlinemediaobject>
          <imagedata fileref="images/fish4.png" format="PNG" scale="50"></imagedata>
      </inlinemediaobject> (the attributes of the <tag
    class="element">imagedata</tag> child element of this <tag
    class="element">inlinemediaobject</tag> are: <tag
    class="attribute">scale</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">50</tag>), SVG <tag
    class="element">inlinemediaobject</tag> <inlinemediaobject>
          <imagedata format="svg" scale="10">
            <svg:svg height="744.094" id="svg75" version="1.0" width="744.094"
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            id="path4" style="fill:#ffffff;"
            transform="translate(-188.771,11.294)"></svg:path> <svg:g id="g5"
            transform="translate(107.656,-154.861)"> <svg:g id="g6"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 329.336 727.552 C 315.224 726.328 304.136 715.816 303.128 694.936 C 306.368 639.496 309.608 582.112 271.232 545.104 C 265.256 499.024 244.016 482.104 234.008 452.512 L 218.24 441.208 L 237.104 411.688 L 245.168 411.904 L 323.936 571.168 L 340.424 651.448 L 329.336 727.552 z "
            id="path7"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g8"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 136.232 439.696 C 133.856 455.248 132.56 470.512 134.792 485.272 C 118.376 507.592 105.92 530.128 104.48 553.312 C 92.024 586.504 62.432 614.584 67.544 680.104 C 84.176 697.456 107.432 713.584 127.376 730.36 C 152.432 751.312 137.528 778.96 102.248 772.408 C 94.4 763.768 76.616 709.624 42.92 676.288 L 49.544 632.584 L 81.368 547.408 L 120.968 484.048 L 125.36 456.688 L 119.816 386.776 L 124.424 361.216 L 136.232 439.696 L 136.232 439.696 z "
            id="path9"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g10"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 115.64 341.416 C 116.576 336.376 117.8 331.624 119.312 327.16 L 121.688 342.784 L 115.64 341.416 z "
            id="path11"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g12"
            style="fill:#c1c1bf;"> <svg:path
            d="M 120.968 500.464 C 108.368 523.792 103.976 546.256 132.92 550.216 C 117.008 553.888 97.208 568.648 77.192 593.488 L 77.624 543.016 L 101.456 503.272 L 120.968 500.464 z "
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            d="M -33.256 818.488 C 10.52 838.144 41.408 837.064 69.272 850.96 C 91.304 862.552 113.552 861.184 126.944 847.144 C 138.32 832.456 146.744 831.736 163.52 830.224 C 190.952 828.568 217.736 828.28 241.928 830.8 L 269.576 833.032 C 269.072 864.064 328.04 867.88 345.392 844.336 C 366.344 819.424 395.144 808.264 419.84 790.192 L 289.304 725.536 C 255.824 806.464 131.048 827.632 113.768 763.264 L -33.256 818.488 z "
            id="path15"></svg:path> </svg:g> <svg:g id="g16"
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            d="M 286.424 711.568 C 273.824 711.496 260.936 715.6 261.944 732.16 L 266.192 776.44 L 304.424 756.64 L 286.424 711.568 z "
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            d="M -37.36 821.224 C 7.136 840.88 38.6 839.728 66.968 853.696 C 89.36 865.216 111.968 863.92 125.648 849.808 C 137.24 835.192 145.808 834.472 162.872 832.96 C 190.736 831.232 218.024 831.016 242.648 833.464 L 270.728 835.768 C 270.224 866.8 330.272 870.544 347.912 847 C 369.224 822.088 398.528 811 423.656 792.856 L 290.816 728.272 C 256.76 809.128 129.824 830.296 112.256 766 L -37.36 821.224 z "
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            d="M 354.464 537.544 C 379.16 569.8 404.432 651.088 384.416 691.552 C 360.944 737.776 307.808 743.248 305.504 695.8 C 308.816 639.64 311.984 581.536 273.68 544.096 C 267.704 497.368 246.392 480.232 236.384 450.28 L 203.12 426.088 L 133.568 435.088 C 130.76 452.152 129.104 468.784 131.552 484.912 C 115.064 507.376 102.608 530.056 101.168 553.312 C 88.712 586.648 59.12 614.944 64.232 680.752 C 80.864 698.248 104.12 714.448 124.064 731.296 C 149.12 752.392 135.512 776.296 100.232 769.672 C 78.848 746.056 56.744 722.872 35.288 699.328 C 12.392 683.056 3.896 662.176 27.368 630.496 C 43.424 609.04 47.96 562.456 62 543.664 C 74.312 525.16 92.24 508.6 105.272 490.096 C 112.184 477.928 114.344 468.568 113.264 454.456 L 110.312 369.136 C 108.368 307.216 142.424 274.24 189.8 275.248 C 243.512 275.752 287.576 312.472 288.152 378.28 C 292.688 410.32 283.256 428.68 308.672 474.472 C 334.52 522.712 338.552 520.12 354.464 537.544 z "
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            d="M 151.568 705.376 C 151.64 708.328 148.76 707.68 148.544 705.592 C 140.192 680.536 143.72 618.832 151.856 598.96 C 152.432 596.08 156.248 596.944 155.744 598.96 C 147.104 635.464 147.248 673.048 151.568 705.376 z "
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      </inlinemediaobject>(the attributes of the <tag
    class="element">imagedata</tag> child element of this <tag
    class="element">inlinemediaobject</tag> are: <tag
    class="attribute">scale</tag>=<tag class="attvalue">10</tag>), MathML <tag
    class="element">inlinemediaobject</tag> <inlinemediaobject>
            <m:math display="block">














