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+    <metadata for="9782843550362" xml:lang="fr">
+      <title>Torture test pour la distribution</title>
+      <shorttitle>Test</shorttitle>
+      <subtitle>Test des capacités de <name>publidoc</name></subtitle>
+      <subtitle>Représentation exhaustive des structures</subtitle>
+      <identifier type="ean">9781449328030</identifier>
+      <identifier type="ean" for="kf8">9781449328031</identifier>
+      <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
+      <copyright>Prismallia, Paris, 2014</copyright>
+      <collection>Éprouvez-vous</collection>
+      <contributors>
+        <contributor>
+          <firstname>Patrick</firstname><lastname>PIERRE</lastname>
+          <role>author</role>
+        </contributor>
+        <contributor>
+          <firstname>Tien Haï</firstname><lastname>NGUYEN</lastname>
+          <role>illustrator</role>
+        </contributor>
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+          <address>24 rue des Écoles – 75005 Paris</address>
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+        <keyword>publidoc</keyword>
+        <keyword>Cyrano</keyword>
+        <keyword>météo</keyword>
+      </keywordset>
+      <subjectset>
+        <subject>Littérature</subject>
+        <subject>Mathématiques</subject>
+      </subjectset>
+      <abstract>
+        <p>
+          Ce fichier rassemble un maximum de situations afin de tester les
+          possibilités de <name>publidoc</name>.
+        </p>
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+             excluding-tax="true"  tax="0.07">12.62</price>
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+             excluding-tax="false" tax="0.07">13.50</price>
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+    <metadata for="les_miserables" xml:lang="fr">
+      <title>Les Misérables</title>
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+        <contributor>
+          <firstname>Victor</firstname><lastname>HUGO</lastname>
+          <role>author</role>
+        </contributor>
+      </contributors>
+      <date value="1862"/>
+      <subjectset>
+        <subject>Littérature</subject>
+      </subjectset>
+      <price currency="EUR" territory="FR"
+             excluding-tax="true"  tax="0.07">18.60</price>
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+             excluding-tax="false" tax="0.07">19.90</price>
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+    <metadata for="9782351811340" xml:lang="fr">
+      <title>Balade musicale dans la nature</title>
+      <identifier type="ean">9782351811344</identifier>
+      <identifier type="ean" for="epub">9782351811344</identifier>
+      <identifier type="ean" for="kf8">9782351811345</identifier>
+      <identifier type="ean" for="paper">9782351811340</identifier>
+      <copyright>rue des enfants, 2010</copyright>
+      <collection>Restez Zen…</collection>
+      <contributors>
+        <contributor>
+          <firstname>Gilles</firstname>
+          <lastname>DIEDERICHS</lastname>
+          <role>author</role>
+        </contributor>
+        <contributor>
+          <firstname>Marie-Noëlle</firstname>
+          <lastname>HORVATH</lastname>
+          <role>illustrator</role>
+        </contributor>
+        <contributor>
+          <label>rue des enfants</label>
+          <role>publisher</role>
+        </contributor>
+        <contributor>
+          <label>Prismallia</label>
+          <role>packager</role>
+        </contributor>
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+        <keyword>écureuil</keyword>
+        <keyword>chamois</keyword>
+        <keyword>lynx</keyword>
+        <keyword>épervier</keyword>
+        <keyword>moutons</keyword>
+      </keywordset>
+      <subjectset>
+        <subject>Jeunesse</subject>
+      </subjectset>
+      <abstract>
+        <p>
+          En accompagnant Petit Écureuil, l'adorable guide de ce voyage, il
+          explore les paysages de nos régions, de la montagne jusqu'au bord de
+          la mer, en passant par la forêt ou la vallée.
+        </p>
+      </abstract>
+      <price currency="EUR" territory="FR"
+             excluding-tax="true" tax="0.07">9.25</price>
+      <price currency="EUR" territory="FR"
+             excluding-tax="false" tax="0.07">9.90</price>
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